「Solo Guitar Traditional Tunes of Taiwan & Japan」
劉雲平 (Yun-Ping Liu)「Solo Guitar Traditional Tunes of Taiwan & Japan」 参加曲目
望春風 (Expecting for the Breeze of Love)
鄕間小路 (Country Road)
劉雲平 (Yun-Ping Liu) プロフィール

2012年に “ギターユートピアフィンガースタイルコンクール”で優勝して以来、フィンガースタイルギターのために多くの作品を制作。
2016年には、Golden Indie Music Awards(GIMA)の “Best Musicians”部門に選出されたアルバム『The Journey on the Fingerboard』をリリース。
Yun-Pingは、台湾で最も有名なギター/音楽教科書であるギターブックシリーズ “Fundamental of Pop Guitar”の作者でもある。
他にも、ミュージカル劇場公演やTV /映画映画のスコア制作など様々な音楽作品に参加し、PiA、ChthoniC、Wen-Lanなどの有名なバンドや歌手の楽器演奏家として活躍。
“MajaM Jazz Band”と “La Gitanita”ではバンドメンバーとして定期的に活動もしている。
Yun-Ping Liu, Ph.D., a man full of curiosity and passion, is an experienced guitar player who cares deeply about making great music with his fingertips. As an experienced guitar player, Yun-Ping plays in many different kinds of styles, such as Flamenco, Blues, Rock, Funk, Jazz, Latin and Fingerstyle.
Since winning first prize at the “Guitar Utopia Fingerstyle Competition” in 2012, Yun-Ping has continued to compose many pieces for fingerstyle guitar. In 2016, Yun-Ping released his first album, “The Journey on the Fingerboard,” which was shortlisted in the “Best Musicians” category at the Golden Indie Music Awards (GIMA).
Yun-Ping is also the author of the guitar book series “Fundamental of Pop Guitar,” which is the most well-known guitar/music textbook in Taiwan. There are three volumes — Elementary, Intermediate and Music Styles — three different levels appropriate for different needs.
Lastly, Yun-Ping has participated in diverse types of musical productions, including musical theater performances and TV/movie film score production, and has served as an instrumentalist for several well-known bands and singers such as PiA, ChthoniC, Wen-Lan (Landy), Wan-Fang and Ayugo Huang. Yun-Ping also regularly performs in the bands “MajaM Jazz Band” and “La Gitanita” as a guitarist.
Adding informations for these song:
Tune 1: 望春風 Expecting for the Breeze of Love
Composer:鄧雨賢 1906-1944
Recording /Mixing Studio: 奇思家錄音室 JSJ Cultural & Creative Co,. Ltd.
Engineer :洪泯頡 Mitch Hong
Tune 2: 鄉間小路 Country Road
Composer:劉雲平 Yun-Ping Liu
Recording /Mixing Studio:朝思木響 Just Woodsound
Engineer :王立宇 Li-Yu Wang
Many thanks to Jacky Ho, M. Hong and L.Y Wang for such a great sound. Nice to make good music with everyone.