土門秀明ニューアルバム「雪桜 -Snow Cherry-(ギターで奏でる山形の名所)」について。
Hideaki Domon, who has been performing on the London Underground for 10 years, has released a solo guitar album about his hometown Yamagata. He plays mainly the Beatles, Queen and Eric Clapton in the UK, and after returning to Japan he wakes up to Japanese-style songs. And this time, he released a collection of original songs that are related to Yamagata’s famous places<.br>
タイトル | 雪桜 -Snow Cherry- |
レコードNO | HSKR-SGRA-005-1500 |
JANコード | 4573188510983 |
レーベル | Solo Guitar Records |
発売日 | 2020/03/10 |
販売地域 | アマゾン及び各種配信(世界) |
定価 | 1,500(税別) |
配信アドレス | https://big-up.style/3xi0JgK9WQ |
- 雪桜 Snow Cherry(伝説のカクテル「雪国」からインスパイア 酒田中町ケルン)
0:02:56 - Mogami River(土門氏がロンドン滞在中、故郷山形の最上川をモチーフに作曲)
0:03:04 - 鶴の恩返し Crane Girl(民話「鶴の恩返し」からインスパイア 南陽)
0:02:16 - Black Maria(日本で唯一の黒い聖母からインスパイア カトリック鶴岡教会天主堂 鶴岡)
0:02:33 - 慕古 moko(洞瀧山 總光寺テーマ曲 国指定名勝庭園「蓬莱園」の水音入り 松山)
2006年2月、「地下鉄のギタリスト Busking in London」(水曜社)を出版、雑誌ダカーポが選ぶ「BOOK OF THE YEAR 2006ー2007」、産經新聞が選ぶ「2006年の最も面白かった本トップ3」に選出される。
2009年3月、動画サイトYouTubeにアップした「Too Much Love Will Kill You」が、Queenのギタリストであるブライアン・メイ氏の公式HPで紹介され、本人より「This is great!」とコメントされ話題となる。
2012年1月、世界初ロンドン地下鉄構内で録音されたライブアルバム「Live in Tube」(NEW VINTAGE RECORDS)をリリース。新聞、テレビ、ラジオなどでも取り上げられ話題となる。
2015年4月、国内外で活躍する日本人ソロギタリスト10人を集め、ビートルズのソロギタートリビュートアルバム「While Solo Guitar Beatly Weeps」(SOLO GUITAR RECORDS)をプロデュース。自身も「Strawberry Fields Forever」で参加。
2015年8月、現在もロングセールスを続けている「Live in Tube」の続編「Live in Tube2」(SOLO GUITAR RECORDS)をリリース。
2018年8月、「地下鉄のギタリスト Busking in London」に大幅な加筆修正を加え、ロンドン地下鉄での生演奏を収録した特製CDを付録にした「完全版・地下鉄のギタリスト」(アルファベータブックス社)を出版。
2019年10月、東京三鷹の十割蕎麦「や乃家」で通常営業中にレコーディングされた「Live in 蕎麦屋」(NEW VINTAGE RECORDS)をリリース。
2020年3月、故郷山形県の名所をモチーフに5曲入りミニアルバム「雪桜」(SOLO GUITAR RECORDS)をリリース。
Hideaki Domon
From 1986 to 1990, he joined R&B band “The Bubblegum Brothers” as a guitarist. Went to England in 2002. In 2003, he obtained the first Japanese London underground performance permit (basking license). For the next 10 years, he plays the guitar on the underground station almost every day and earns all his living expenses by busking.
In February 2006, published “Underground Guitarist Busking in London” (Suiyo-sha), “BOOK OF THE YEAR 2006-2007” selected by the magazine Da Capo, “Top 3 most interesting books of 2006” selected by the Sankei Newspaper. Be elected to.
In March 2009, “Too Much Love Will Kill You” uploaded on YouTube, a video site, was introduced on the official website of Queen guitarist Brian May, and was commented by the person himself as “This is great!” became.
In January 2012, the world’s first live album “Live in Tube” (NEW VINTAGE RECORDS) recorded on the London Underground was released. Newspapers, television, radio, etc. have been taken up and become a topic.
In April 2015, collected 10 Beatles solo guitar tribute album “While Solo Guitar Beatly Weeps” (SOLO GUITAR RECORDS) with 10 Japanese solo guitarists active in Japan and overseas. He also played “Strawberry Fields Forever”.
In August 2015, the sequel “Live in Tube2” (SOLO GUITAR RECORDS) of “Live in Tube”, which has been selling for a long time, was released.
In August 2018, the “Underground Guitarist Busking in London” was rewritten and revised, and a special CD containing live performances on the London Underground was added to the “Complete Edition, Underground Guitarist” (Alpha Beta Books) Published.
In October 2019, “Live in Sobaya” (NEW VINTAGE RECORDS), which was recorded during normal operation at Japanese noodle shop “Yanoya” in Mitaka, Tokyo, was released.
In March 2020, a five-track mini-album called “Snow Cherry” (SOLO GUITAR RECORDS) was released with the motif of famous places in the hometown of Yamagata Prefecture.
Currently, he is active in a wide variety of fields, including music production, event appearances, live guitar playing on business trips, and writing.